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The Nevada Supreme Court Law Library has a database where you can see old pages from the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) from 1980 to 2014. This database shows chapters 38 to 683 and how the NAC changed over time. Before, updates were made page by page, but starting in the mid-1990s, whole chapters were replaced. You can search for text or keywords in the database, but not all pages can be searched. If you need help with specific sections or chapters, contact the Law Library by email or phone.
The Legislature publishes amendments to the NAC. The Nevada Supreme Court Law Library keeps superseded/historical pages for the NAC. With approval from the Legislature, the NAC Historical Database was created by the Law Library to provide digital access to superseded pages of the NAC from its first publication in 1980 through 2014.
About this database:
This project ended in 2014. If you are searching for a specific section or chapter, please contact the Law Library via email at reference@nvcourts.nv.gov or call 775-684-1640.
This database only shows the dates when an amended chapter was added and removed from the Nevada Administrative Code. These dates do not necessarily correspond to the exact dates when a specific code was in effect.
To learn when a NAC chapter was added, look at the date at the bottom of each page. For example, the chapter below was amended and added to the NAC in 3-00 (March of 2000).
To view the amended dates of individual codes, please consult the historical note at the bottom of each individual code (example below).
Under the drop-down menu “Search Type,” the database allows for both full-text and keyword search options.
Please Note: Not all pages are full-text searchable.
Please Note: Search results automatically default to numerical order. If the chapter you are researching only has individual pages uploaded, then your results will automatically sort by page number. In order to sort your results, select the individual headings at the top of the results list.
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Advisory Note
This information is provided as a courtesy only. The law library shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing of this material. The law librarians are not members of the Nevada State Bar and nothing on this site should be considered as legal advice.