- Nevada Supreme Court Law Library
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The Law Library keeps old Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC) and letters that explain changes to them. They have old NAC pages and can help you find information about past codes. If you need specific old codes or details, you can ask the Law Library for help. The Nevada Library Cooperative also keeps track of changes to the NAC and has letters about these changes. They can give you information about updates or replacements too.
Part of the mission of the Law Library is to be an archival institution for historical legal information for Nevada. To fulfill this mission, the Law Library maintains a collection of superseded NAC pages and all transmittal letters.
The Law Library staff can retrieve current and superseded Nevada Administrative Codes for researcher use, and will help users find superseded codes. For specific date ranges and coverage for a specific superseded code section, please contact the Law Library Reference Desk at reference@nvcourts.nv.gov or call (775) 684-1640.
The Nevada Library Cooperative maintains changes to the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). The NAC is the codified, administrative regulations of the Executive Branch.