- Nevada Supreme Court Law Library
- All Categories
- Room 102
- Room 103
- Room 107
If you have questions, or need assistance, please contact us:
Reference Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm (except state holidays)
Chat Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm (except state holidays)
Applicants must list a Nevada residence or Nevada State Bar Number on their application. A library card allows patrons to check out physical materials and access digital materials held in our LexisNexis Digital Library.
This guide gives basic information about legal materials and resources for people who are representing themselves in court (also called Pro Se, Pro Per, or Proper Person Litigants). This guide is not meant to replace a detailed legal research guide or advice from a lawyer.
See also How to Locate the Law: A Guide to Locating Nevada Law and Legal Resources
A Law Library is a special library that helps people find legal materials. These libraries usually have books that explain the law, important legal documents, and access to online legal information. The librarians at these libraries know a lot about legal resources and can help you find what you need. The Nevada Supreme Court law librarians can help you in person, or you can reach them by chat, email, or phone.
What We CAN Do | What We CANNOT Do |
Make referrals to proper agencies and legal service providers | Give legal advice. This is usually any question that includes the phrases "can I?" or "should I" or "am I interpreting ___ correctly?" or "how do I?" |
Direct public to sources of law and forms | Interpret statutes, cases, or regulations |
Instruct how to use legal materials | Offer opinions on legal issues |
Explain format requirements for pleadings | Select specific forms and/or instruct you on what you should put in those forms |
Locate informative reading materials | Make referrals for specific attorneys |
Provide a limited numbers of cases, statutes, and/or regulations via email, when you provide us with the citations | Perform legal research for you. We cannot answer, "can you help me find cases on landlord/tenant law?" However, we can tell you how to do this type of research yourself. |
There are many resources to help you find a lawyer.
Please complete the following short survey to let us know how we are doing, or how we may better serve you: Law Library Survey
Advisory Note
This information is provided as a courtesy only. The law library shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing of this material. The law librarians are not members of the Nevada State Bar and nothing on this site should be considered as legal advice.