- Nevada Supreme Court Law Library
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- Room 102
- Room 103
- Room 107
The Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library is located at 201 South Carson Street in Carson City and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. It helps the Nevada Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and the public with legal research. The library provides guides on finding Nevada laws, researching court opinions, and using administrative dockets. It also offers access to online legal resources and e-books through the LexisNexis Digital Library and various legal research databases like HeinOnline, Lexis, and Westlaw. For legal forms and resources, the library points to self-help centers and court websites for additional support.
The Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library
201 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-1640
Visit in person:
Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00 pm
(except state holidays)
The mission of The Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library is to serve as a comprehensive current and archival resource for legal research conducted by the Justices and staff of the Nevada Supreme Court, as well as the Judges and staff of the Nevada Court of Appeals. The Law Library’s collection and services supplement the in-house legal resources of the Office of the Attorney General and the Legislature. The Law Library also serves the citizens of Nevada, local governments, and the private bar.
The Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library has created several comprehensive guides with methods and strategies for researching Nevada legal materials. The guides listed below highlight finding Nevada legal resources and may be helpful when diving more in-depth into these topics or resources.
The forms provided are a starting point, not a complete list. They offer ideas on content and style, but courts may have unique requirements. Contact the clerk of the court where your case will be filed to ensure compliance with formatting, content, and procedural rules.
Start your Nevada forms search with self-help centers and court websites:
Includes Notice of Appeal, Certificate of Service, Docketing Statement, Streamlined Request for Extension of Time to File Brief and more forms.
Since January 2022, the Nevada Supreme Court Law Library has been awarded three grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records (NSLAPR). The Nevada Supreme Court Law Library used 100% of grant funds to translate standardized divorce, custody, family law, name change, and guardianship self-help legal forms to ensure self-represented litigants of limited English proficiency (LEP) in Nevada have equal access to court services.
The LexisNexis Digital Library is a collection of legal e-books that you may check out and read on your tablet, computer's web browser, or through an online app (both iOS and Android apps are available). The Supreme Court of Nevada's LexisNexis Digital Library subscription includes hundreds of legal treatises and primary law sources (e.g., statutes and court rules). To access this collection, you need a Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library card - your username is your library bar code and your password is your phone number or the password used to create your library card.
Additionally, all LexisNexis Digital Library titles are in the Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library Catalog. All titles are in the LexisNexis Digital Library collection and many have print copies available at the law library.
For more information, please visit the LexisNexis Digital Library LibGuide.
The Supreme Court of Nevada Law Library also offers visitors access to several legal research services that are accessible onsite at the Law Library. Onsite database access includes:
Please complete the following short survey to let us know how we are doing, or how we may better serve you: Law Library Survey
Advisory Note
This information is provided as a courtesy only. The law library shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing of this material. The law librarians are not members of the Nevada State Bar and nothing on this site should be considered as legal advice.